Anthony L Williams

Hi Everyone.
My name is Anthony Leroy Williams. I’m a 1986 bachelor degree graduate from Columbia College. I went back to school completing an Associates of Applied Science in Computer Graphics in 2006 at IADT. I now reside in Louisiana after living in Chicago for 66 years. After I split my stays in both states in 2017 following the death of my father, I decided to change my residence to Louisiana in 2018 and become the primary hospice care provider for my step mom until her death April this year.
I’ve worked contractually for six years as a producer for Illinois State Bar Association. We provided to Public Access for airing our post production tape/disc of cable talk show ‘Illinois Law’ on a weekly bases until June 2013. In addition to my work in producing the show, I was part of a small team that worked on public service announcements and promotional materials. I also decided to spend one year in 2015 volunteering for the Hyde Park Chamber of Commerce which I found very rewarding. Another area I worked in was as a member and officer on the boards of professional and educational associations, unions and nonprofit organizations which have provided me the opportunity at times to focus on using my story and logo design skills.
My current projects include ongoing collaborations with siblings and others in designing graphic work for publishing and event planning projects benefiting families, communities and businesses.